Toyko's famous television broadcast tower, Tokyo Tower. Constructed of melted down damaged US tanks from the Korean War, Tokyo Tower stands at 333 meters tall. A feature of many anime.
When we went to visit Tokyo Tower it wasn't crowded, but it was a weekday. Tokyo Tower no longer is the tallest structure in Japan, it's younger brother Tokyo Sky Tree now holds that title.
We only took the elevator to the first platform which cost 820 yen. You really get a sense of how immense Tokyo really is. On foot Tokyo seems like any major Japanese Town, it seems visually like Naha, a bustling metropolis. I had a similar experience going to the top of Osaka Castle. Tokyo subways make traversing Tokyo manageable on foot.
What I didn't photograph was foot town, which I thought was a mall but it was more of a 2 floor combination food court/museum/gift shop. It is possible to take the stairs instead of the elevator which they didn't explain was a glass elevator. I have a fear of heights so this was rather a surprise to me.
This brings us to THE MYSTERY BALL!
So around July 10th last year, a team was replacing the top broadcasting antenna, becuase it had received damage from the 3-11 tohoku earthquake.
Not my image found here
During the repair they discovered a baseball possibly placed inside the tower during it's construction in 1957. Not so much a mystery but a practical joke done by a construction worker waiting for the day it was found.
At the base of the tower there was a busker with a monkey.
Hey kids its a monkey! That grey thing in the back is one of bases for Tokyo Tower's four "legs".
I guess named Pollo, the spanish name for chicken? We spotted a rather large temple from the observatory. Zojo-ji temple near the base of Tokyo Tower.
We saw the backside with what looks like typical shinto yamato(mainland Japan) graves. It's know for it's Jiso Statues.
From Wikipedia's article on Zojo-ji Temple
Kelly was excited to see these statues as they feature prominently in a Kamishibai Story. I also got some awesome photos of Zojo-ji's main gate and Tokyo Tower as we walked to our next Tokyo destination.